Tax Effective Investing

Nobody likes to pay more than their share to the taxman, there are many strategies that can be considered to reduce your tax liability, and it is important to understand Australian legislative requirements before pursuing a particular strategy.
While we believe it is important to reduce taxation where feasible, our philosophy is to develop a strategy to create wealth over a desired investment timeframe.
Managing your own tax liability may include;
- Pre-tax (concessional) and other associated contributions to superannuation
- Gearing or leveraging into growth assets
- Salary packaging of cars or other employment benefits
- Personal risk insurance impacts – ensuring you have the right ownership structure
- Transition to retirement – reducing tax while continuing to work and building up superannuation benefits without changing your lifestyle
- Small business ownership – ensuring that your business structure is the right one for now and into the future.
We can also discuss Tax effective investment strategies for retirees that can help to take advantage of benefits such as:
- Tax rebates;
- Higher tax-free thresholds; and
- Zero taxation on earnings while funds are held in certain retirement income products
Everybody’s situation is unique so it’s important that we take into consideration all of your circumstances to be able to provide you with personalised tax effective investment advice.
Engaging with a financial adviser is not just about recommending and establishing your financial strategies but also about maintaining your strategies. Our Ongoing Care Service is about having someone there who will make sure that you stay on track with your plan and can guide you through changes to your wealth accumulation plan when required.